
Episode 01-01: Emily Gabbert

Welcome one and all to the official launch of the Hidden Worlds Podcast, where I will talk to artists and occultists about their art, ambitions, and inner lives.

In this, my inaugural interview, I am pleased to invite Emily Gabbert to my table. Emily is one of the co-organizers of the Kansas City Witches Meet-Up and the editor in chief at the Center Spiral Magazine. She is a Pagan community organizer, a writer and editor, and baker. In the sake of full disclosure, I am pleased to confess that she is my personal friend, and that I have contributed both art and articles to the Center Spiral magazine.

The KC Witches Meet-Up Page and Group can be found on Facebook.

The Center Spiral can be found on BlogSpot and on Facebook.

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to hear more like it, please consider backing me on Patreon, buying my novel and/or ebooks, or buying my jewelry.