
Episode 01-03: John Lenz

Hello, and welcome to the Hidden Worlds Podcast, where we talk about the experiences of art and magic and the search for meaning.

In this episode, I interview John Lenz. John is an artist and a magician operating out of the KC Metro Area, where he is a manager at Aquarius Books. With an AA in Interior Design and a BFA in Sculpture, he works in numerous media – is always looking for new ones, in fact. He has studied a variety of traditions including eclectic Wicca and Chaos Magick since 1980, and is always looking for ways to incorporate symbolism, magick and mythology into his art. His work can be found on Facebook as Bear Shamanic Arts.

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to hear more like it, please consider backing me on Patreon, buying my novel and/or ebooks, or buying my jewelry. Also, please subscribe on GooglePlay, iTunes, or your favorite podcatcher, and rate and review as possible.

If you’re a Kansas City area artist or magician and would like the opportunity to showcase your work, please leave a comment or shoot me an email at jeffrey (at) jsgroves (dot) com

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