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    National Novel Writing Month: Arguably The Craziest Thing I Do

    Every November I participate in the global creative challenge known as National Novel Writing Month. The challenge is simple: fifty thousand words on a new novel projects, written entirely between the first and thirtieth of November. One thousand six hundred and sixty seven words each day. Yes, including Thanksgiving. And my birthday, for that matter. Good, bad, or ugly, it’s a fucking frenzy. And without for a moment advocating that anyone else join that frenzy, I fucking love it. My first NaNoWriMo was November of 2008. My life in St. Louis had just failed. I had moved in with my grandfather in Kansas City. I was looking for work at…

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  • writing

    Hidden Worlds

    Art is hard to think about, let alone talk about. What is inspiration? What does it look like? Smell like? How does it feel and taste and sound? I spend more time chasing inspiration than I do anything else, but I can’t answer any one of those questions except in the very moment when it strikes me rather than the other way around. Inspiration is ephemeral. Elusive. Occult. Seeking it, finding it, using it … they’re all magic. The name “Hidden Worlds” is, of course, a call back to the name I gave the setting of my novel and novellas — Mundus Occultus — a Latin phrase which renders literally…